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Sunday, November 30, 2008

wa... on friday there was the BBQ Party! super duper fun.. wonderin when can haf another one.. hehe... well i loved the party other than getting whacked by many mini balls... when we went there we played at the indoor playground... after that come back for lunch... as there was pizza for lunch, and Mr Tan had ordered 2 hawaiin pizza, all the girls took it... then leave the other pizzas for the boys... after that rest a while than... WATER FIGHT!!! damn fun la... but sadded sia... everybody shoot me until i was soakin wet... all because of ryan toh lor.. say shoot me... after that go change and then play more... haha... in the girls room we were playin pass the parcel... haha.. so funny... kimberly get the parcel than the penalty for her was to do camp dance... but in the end jia yi, hannah and I had to dance wif her... but very fun leh... after that shernise and shu xuan had to do CHICKY DANCE... we all laugh like xiao... play pass the parcel hou, jiu start to haf singin competition... but quite borin la actually... nobody sing.. onli jia yi, hannah and i sing... after that dinner time! didnt really eat a lot... during dinner, shu xuan and i sat wif the boys and we were playin some lame game... diao... after that play some more then haf to say goodbye to frenz... so sad.. now haf to wait until skool start then can see me frenz... my parents came to fetch my brother, his fren and i from the chalet and then homed...
well thats all that happened... i think... so ByE ByE!!!

signing out: basketball girl

writtern @7:50 PM

Friday, November 14, 2008

sad la... now skool end.. nothg to do... cant see frenz so oftenly... i miss skool... (u ppl must be thkin i'm crazy) at least got basketball practice durin the hols.----> my FAVOURITE SPORT!!! so happy... today, shernise very bad, she go push me... on purpose... but was just play play la...(hehe...lawls...) hope i can do loads of thgs wif bestiies durin hols.

nothg to say le... so... BYE BYE!!!:)

Signing out:

basketball girl

writtern @12:14 PM

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This year was an exciting year... i took part in quite a few competitions this year... some of the competitions were basketball competitions, podcast, dv roving and video graphy competition... Playing in the basketball competition was quite fun and tiring also.... Hannah didn't really get to play in the competition...

Podcastting and video graphy was very fun... i was playing the role Susannah in the podcasting. it was real fun as i was a computer addict and i had to speak in singlish... that was the easiest role... in the video graphy competition, we had to play a role as either the Japanese soldiers or the Malay soldiers... i was one of the Japanese soldiers... it was quite weird acting as the Japanese soldiers, but overall the video we took was quite nice....

The dv roving competition was not really fun... i had to be the reporter... zane and yuyong were the reporters at first, but as Mr Ivan wanted a girl to do the reporting, i had to be the reporter... :(

This year, i went to India also... it was a very good learning experience... everybody had learnt something and also had fun... the food there was not the same as Singapore's food. i prefer eating the food in Singapore then the food in India... on the 6th day, we went to shop for souvenirsand after that, we went to KFC for dinner... on the last day, we didn't really do much... we were suppose to go to a filming studio, but as there was something wrong, we could not go... i have learnt a lot of meaningful things from this competition.

My hobbies are playing basketall, listening to music, watching television and playing the computer(actually its watching dramas...) as basketball is one of my hobbies, i decided to take basketball up as a CCA.:)

I didn't really get the marks i wanted for SA2... i wanted to get an A for my english but instead i got a B... for the other subjects, i got quite low marks... i so regret not doing more revision... i won't tell you my marks by the way...

I hope to do better for next year's exam as it's going to be the PSLE exams!! i can't thinkwhat it will be like next year.. just imagine all the homework... anyway, doing homework is just to allow us to improve on all our weak subjects... well to all those out there, GOOD LUCK!!!:)

writtern @11:04 AM