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Saturday, January 31, 2009

this is what happened on 29/1/09, thursday.

it was really fun.. after school, hannah, hui ee, jia yi, shu xuan and I went to the toilet in the canteen to change.. after that i called davian and found out that he had left with chen keat already.. so the group of girls left for AMK Hub. when we reached there, i gave davian a call again. it turned out that they weren't there yet as they took the bus to AMK Hub. so we decided to go buy the tickets first. hannah and i went to buy the tickets while the others went to MINI TOONS. after we bought the tickets, we went down to MINI TOONS, and i found out that jia yi and shu xuan bought a birthday present for me while i was gone. haha..we had to w8 for a long time as they asked the lady at the counter to wrap the present up. while we were waiting, davian and chen keat had arrived at MINI TOONS already. after that, we went to macdonalds to eat lunch. hannah paid for the food for the girls. btw, i paid for all the tickets. the tickets cost $48 altogether. so ex... haha.. after lunch, we waited for nikesh to come. i kinda lied to shu xuan that he wasnt comin.. after she found out that i invited him, i got quite a good beating. haha... nik was eatin the fries that we hadn't finished.. we so good, let him save money.. haha... after that, we went to the arcade.. hannah, nik and i played daytona at first. after that we started to play other games like basketball.. after a few games we had to go line up to buy the popcorn. we went to watch inkheart, and nik had watched that show 15 times and that was the 16 time watching it. somebody was suppose to sit next to nik(i wont say who), but in the end i sat next to him. nik was sayin the lines of the people in the show and was saying it to me.. halfway through the show, davian became crazy.. he took out his phone and wanted to play songs because he wanted people to ask to shut up... he xiao wan lor.. i dunno wad happened but davian and i were holding our noses because nik had made us laugh and while we were doing that someone in the movie screamed and we let go of our noses and started to laugh.. davian was laughin real loudly while i was tryin to control myself.. the guy sittin behind us asked davian to shut up.. haha.. serves him right.. hannah, nik and i were freezin inside the cinema, but as hannah brought her jacket and nik was wearing long sleeves, i was the wan freezin inside the theatre.. this is damn funny.. as nik was cold and as he was wearing long sleeves, he put his hand into the shirt and started to flap his sleeve like a bird or somethg.. and as i was sittin beside him, he kept on callin me and flappin his sleeves in front of my face and i started to laugh... at the end of the movie, all of us had to use the toiley very badly.. so after the movie, we "chong" out of the cinema and rushed to the toilet.. hannah, jia yi and i had to go down because the toilets were full and nik followed us down.. shu xuan and hui ee went to the other toilet.. so after we came out of the toilet, we went to the arcade to meet and went to take neoprints.. we asked nik to take with us the last shot but he didn't want to.. after takin neoprints, we started to play the drums.. it was real fun playin the drums.. while waiting for our turn, we went to play basketball.. when it was our turn to play the drums, we were playin it non stop. we had to go top up the thingie quite a few times.. haha... we played that until 6 o'clock.. it was really fun.. next time i go to AMK Hub, i'm gonna go play the drums.. after playin the game, we went home.. we were all waiting for shu xuan's mom as she said she would fetch us home.. while waiting, we started to make fun of each other.. haha.. after we went home.. and as shu xuan's younger brother was in the car, i asked him to call nik peanut and he really did..

i loved that day and i really hope i can celebrate every birthday like that with my frenz!! byez..

signin out: basketball girl aka Andie

writtern @9:51 PM

Target: 245++

English: 86 :)
Chinese: 80 :)
Mathematics: 83 :)
Science: 78 :)

What I have to do to achieve my target:

1) Play less computer games and watch less television shows.
2) Sleep early so that I will feel fresh the next morning and will be able to do my work well.
3) Have good time management.


1) Read more good english story books.
2) Do my english work with understanding.
3) Do more comprehension and composition exercises.


1) Read more chinese story books.
2) Do more comprehension and composition exercises.
3) Revise what i have learnt during chinese lessons.


1) Do my mathematics work with understanding.
2) Revise and go through with what i have learnt during mathematics lesson.
3) Do a few problem sums a day.


1) Do my science work with understanding.
2) Revise and go through with what i have learnt during science lesson.
3) Do more science assessments.

writtern @8:47 PM

Happy Lunar New Year!!
Monday, January 26, 2009

finally, chi new year! collect hongbao! hehe... but the best part of chi new year is that u get to wear new clothes!! i've waited so "long" to wear my new clothes..

first day of chi new year: went to grandma's hse. played blackjack! at nite, .....

second day of chi new year: .....

haha... will tell u the happenings tmr!! byebye!!

signin out: basketball girl aka Andie

writtern @5:51 PM

New Year Resolutions...
Saturday, January 17, 2009

lets see.. new year resolutions... er... ok.. thought of it already...

1) Do better in my work and of course.. PAST WITH FLYIN COLOURS FER PSLE!! so that can go good sec sch la... if can, i wanna go my bro sch so can learn sailing... :D but if can go better sch then go better sch... muhaha... lol...

2) to stop being so LAZY... everytime feel so lazy.. must be more hardworkin and stop bein lazy...

and last but not least...


so.. thats all my new year resolutions... bye...

signin out: basketball girl aka Andie

writtern @12:49 PM