wassup yos! these are the people from my chi class... hahazz....
enjoy "looking" at the photos! hahazzz... byex...
xxx Andie xxx

Wassup people!! well these are the activities outside school......
Monday: Chinese tuition from 7-9p.m. After tuition, go home, eat and continue with homework...;)
Tuesday: well other than basketball training on this day.. i guess i dun have anything else other then homework..
Wednesday: hmm.. lets see... after chinese remedial i go home.. and do homework.. and.. i guess thats all...
Thursday: i stay back after school for basketball training.. as my training starts at 3 or 3.30, i will do my homework first so that when i go home i won't have so much homework to do...
Friday: well, i guess that this is the only day whereby i get to do whatever i want.. but of course, i will have to do my homework first then do whatever i want...
Saturday: Have religious lesson in the afternoon.. From 2-3++.. then after that, grab a snack.. after all this, maybe we'll go to church or i'll be doing my homework...
Sunday: i dun really do anything on this day.. if i have not finished my homework, i will complete it... after that, i get to either watch television or play the computer...;)
so as u can see, i dun really have a lot of tuition.. actually i have only 1 tuition class and that is chinese tuition... for the other subjects, my mum will teach me...:)
signing out: basketball girl aka Andie..
I would want to defend my family and friends.
I want to defend my family as they always care for me and take care of me when i am sick and others...
I want to defend my friends as when I am in need of help or when I am in trouble, they will always be there for me.:)