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Thursday, February 26, 2009

wassup yos! these are the people from my chi class... hahazz....

enjoy "looking" at the photos! hahazzz... byex...

xxx Andie xxx

writtern @5:52 PM

Activities outside school! 0.o
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wassup people!! well these are the activities outside school......

Monday: Chinese tuition from 7-9p.m. After tuition, go home, eat and continue with homework...;)

Tuesday: well other than basketball training on this day.. i guess i dun have anything else other then homework..

Wednesday: hmm.. lets see... after chinese remedial i go home.. and do homework.. and.. i guess thats all...

Thursday: i stay back after school for basketball training.. as my training starts at 3 or 3.30, i will do my homework first so that when i go home i won't have so much homework to do...

Friday: well, i guess that this is the only day whereby i get to do whatever i want.. but of course, i will have to do my homework first then do whatever i want...

Saturday: Have religious lesson in the afternoon.. From 2-3++.. then after that, grab a snack.. after all this, maybe we'll go to church or i'll be doing my homework...

Sunday: i dun really do anything on this day.. if i have not finished my homework, i will complete it... after that, i get to either watch television or play the computer...;)

so as u can see, i dun really have a lot of tuition.. actually i have only 1 tuition class and that is chinese tuition... for the other subjects, my mum will teach me...:)

signing out: basketball girl aka Andie..

writtern @9:11 AM

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I would want to defend my family and friends.
I want to defend my family as they always care for me and take care of me when i am sick and others...
I want to defend my friends as when I am in need of help or when I am in trouble, they will always be there for me.:)

writtern @6:05 PM