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Monday, August 10, 2009

hey hey! omg! its been such a while since i've posted something.. haha.. and now let me tell u wad i've been doing...


on friday, i had a cross-country race! it was so fun! i intended to run with jia yi and xuan.. (my 2 bestiiex!), but jia yi's stamina was better.. of course.. so i ran with only one of my bestiiex which is xuan! but it was still really fun!! after the race, xuan and i crazy.. we went to get the free water.. then we drank a like half or more.. guess wad we did with the remainder.. we poured it on ourselves!! it was so refreshing!! after that was the prize giving presentation!! and by the way, congratulations to our class winners!! they are chiku, yong and tino... i think.. chiku was the first one to be called out... when he was called out, the guys started to scream.. so for the other 2 guys, when they were called out, we screamed like mad!! then everybody look around and stare at us.. haha.. super fun!! after that, xuan and i pour water onto ourselves again cause we were still really warm.. when we got to school, we found a seat and bought some things to eat... actually, it was xuan who bought the food to eat.. haha.. so sad la... hannah wasn't there at the cross-country with us cause she had PA to do... weird excuse rite? haha.. after that we all homed.. at night, my family and i went to watch.. G.I. JOE!! the show was super duper cool and nice! x10! i loved the gadgets and the action scenes.. it was action from the start all the way to the end... super nice!! out of rating of 10.. i give 10!! its even way better then transformers!! no offense... super nice...

well i gotta end here fer now cause my bro wants to use it... will try to post again.. bye!!

xxx Andrea aka Andie xxx

writtern @11:36 AM