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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!! or maybe not cause its already 12 midnight...(: today, or can be considered yesterday, i went to xuan's house to celebrate halloween despite the heavy rain.. heh.. it was super fun... went there to eat dinner also.. after dinner, both of us went up to play card games... after a while, at around 8.30p.m., we went out to give out sweets to those who came to the house and said.."Trick Or Treat!!"haha.. some of the children were dressed up in a cute manner but others were kind of scary.. haha... after giving out the sweets, xuan, her little brother and i went to the nearby playground to play.. but as we wanted to play with the swings, which area was flooded, i had to go back to the house to change into slippers as i was wearing my sneakers... after a while, we went back to the house cause xuan's little brother wanted to go back.. think he was feeling cold.. after that, we went back out again, without the umbrella... it was super fun playing in the rain.. we were super wet... there was a contest on the best dressed at the playground.. but to determine the winner, the participants had to do a super weird dance... haha.. and the final 5 or don't know how many ppl had to do the same dance and end it with a pose.. it was super funny... after knowing the winner of the contest, both of us went back.. i bathed at her house before calling my mum and asking her to bring me home.. heh...(: while waiting, we were playing snap.. haha.. overall, i had a really great time... haha.. let me tell you what has happened during the past few days this week also..


our whole class played dodgeball throughout the whole day!! but on one day, we went to play basketball after recess.. it was still really fun!(: oh yea! on one of the days that we played dodgeball, we treated yong le's team to 100 plus cause they won a certain game against someone... at first, my team was thinking of treating yong le only, but we figured out it would be unfair to his other teammates, so my team treated everyone in yong le's team!!(: isn't my team very generous? haha.. joking only.. er.. on a certain day, a few of us stayed back to play basketball.. it was super fun with all the stealing of the ball and banging into each other.. haha.. we laughed and played at the same time.. on wed, when mayflower sec was having its open house, our whole P6 level went there.. at a certain point of time, it was kind of scary.. and that part was when we were at the "Sailing Booth"haha.. as sailing is my bro's CCA and almost the whole team knew me, they were staring at me like siao.. one of my bro's friends saw me and told another guy that i was there, and that guy started looking for me.. i quickly turned around after seeing that.. haha.. when i turned back around, i saw another guy leaning against the wall staring at me.. it was so omg! man.. everyone from the sailing team was staring at me! even jia yi whispered into my ear, saying,"Andrea, all the ppl are staring at you leh.."then i was like yeah, i know that.. luckily for me, we went to another booth soon after... on friday, after our ICT thingie, jia yi, hui ee, xuan and i stayed back until 4 cause we were playing the card game.. jia yi was real funny cause she was making a funny face at me non stop.. i laughed till my stomach was super painful... haha.. xuan and hui ee laughed also when they saw jia yi doing the weird face.. *sigh*.. this whole week was one of the best weeks in my life!! its really sad that the 4 of us and a few of our other close friends have to seperate and go to different schools next year.. hope all of my close friends will meet up together with me again!!(: haix.. thinking of going different ways really makes me sad..
anyway, i'm gonna end my post here!(: bye! nite nite!(: muackx!(: haha.. joking..(:

xoxo Andrea aka Andie xoxo

writtern @11:59 PM

Thursday, October 22, 2009

happy belated (or whatever "lated") birthday to you jia yi!! yesterday, it was jia yi's birthday! we went out with... jia yi(of course), mei, hui ee, yong, wesley, kenneth and aravind... haha... always the same few ppl.. and as always, we spent a really great and enjoyable time together! i left my house at around 9+ and went to jia yi's house first before meeting up with the other guys... i kept on playing with her cow cow.. haha... super fun... we left her house at 10+ and met the others except wesley at YCK MRT Station.. we took a bus to somewhere but we kind of went to the wrong mall.. so wesley left the mall we were suppose to go to and came searching for the rest of us.. the rest of us, of course, also went walking arounto try our luck and see if the place we were going to was in sight.. but, unfortunately, it was not... haix.. we started calling each other and asking where the other was... well, that was for wesley only actually cause the rest of us were together... haha... and after asking for directions from an uncle at a bus stop, we decided to take the taxi there... but in the end, the boys took the bus.. they made us waste our money... haix... when we reached there, we went for lunch first... after that, a few of the guys went to buy a bday gift for jia yi... the gifts were all from mini toons except mine.. cause i bought it a long long time ago... haha... i not kiasu hor!! just decided to buy it earlier... after that, we went to the arcade like always.. haha.. mei and i played the dancing game.. again.. super fun.. we make the songs times 8 until we cant see the steps... haha! at one stage i got a "S"! so happy... after playing at the arcade, we went to wesley's house... we just talked about i forgot what... 15 min before the girls left, all of us went down to play basketball.. apparently, some other boys were playing, so all of us just hanged around... the girls were playing with something like a seesaw only that you had to stand instead of seat.. playing that thing was really scary.. sometimes it felt like you were going to fly out of the thingie... haha.. after that, the girls left.. and cause mei had to be back earlier, we took a cab! muahaha... felt like sleeping there man.. was super tired..
er.. nothing to write le.. so.. bye bye!! muackx!! haha.. jkjk.. i bo liao...

xoxo Andrea aka Andie xoxo

writtern @4:17 PM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

omg! last weekend was the best man! i spent the whole weekend with... jia yi, hui ee, sister, yong, ian, wes, michael, kenneth, yu yong and... i forgot who the other person is if there is another person.. heh.. sorry.. anyway, heres wad we did...


After school, the ppl i have mentioned above and I went to the temporary market to eat lunch.. the girls left earlier cause we had to go home first to take our stuff and then go to yong's house.. after jia yi and I had finished packing up some stuff, we left the house for school as xuan's mum was picking us up from there... hui ee met us there too... we walked to school as we missed the bus and a lot of ppl were looking at us cause jia yi was kinda carrying her cow cow(soft toy) around in a plastic bag... and in the end, i had to carry it for her and i looked like an idiot... haha...
when we got to yong's house, the boys were already there of course.. we had to wait for a while before leaving for orchid country club... after that, yong's mum brought the girls there and yong's granddad fetched the boys there... after we had checked in and checked out the whole room and stuff, i think we went swimming... the room was a hotel room instead of the normal chalet but it was still super nice... the back door of the room led straight to the swimming pool... at first, jia yi, hui ee, xuan and I went into the pool with our clothes over our swimming costume.. but after a while, the security guard saw us and told us we could not wear the shirt and shorts in... but the boys had to wear their shorts of course... super fun! after that, we went bowling.. before we started bowling, we ate our dinner... after that we started bowling... for the firsr round, the girls + wes won the other boys.. but for the second round, it was the other way around.. haha.. after that, we went back to the room to get our wallets, cause we went to Raiders, which is the Lan place, to play blah.. i had to seperate from the girls cause the seating was such that 7 ppl sat on top and 3 ppl sat below us... and as i didn't really play any games, i had to be the one to go with the boys... for the first hour, i was just in facebook and checking my emails cause i didn't have anything to do.. but after that, yong suddenly ask me to play "Left 4 Dead"... throughout the game i was damn blur, but the game was still damn fun... haha... after playing for another hour, we went back to the chalet or may i say hotel room... the boys slept l8r than the girls and they were making a lot of noise.. and while xuan and i were asleep, i heard from jia yi the next day that yong le had put cups on both xuan and my head... + we didn't need alarm clocks to wake us up.. the boys were the alarm clocks! oh yea, suppose to write this for Saturday...


As i was saying, we were woken up by the boys... after we brushed our teeth and stuff, we found the boys already in the pool... and when we went near the pool, the boys started splashing water at us... haha... xuan and I decided to go for a swim again... while we were in the pool playing with the guys, there was a sudden splash!... apparently, hui ee was looking at her own reflection, lost her balance and fell into the pool.. jia yi was laughing like siao... but after a while, ian pushed her into the pool also... haha! all of us laugh like siao man... haha... after a while, all of us came out of the pool.. after bathing and stuff, we started playing board games and card games... at around 12, the annoying zane chee arrived... after that, all of us went to the bowling area again... and while we were playing, benz also arrived... after playing, benjamin arrived... so troublesome... haiz... after that, all of us played captain's ball in the pool! super fun man... each one of us block the opposing team... then jump here and there like siao... after playing 2 or 3 rounds of captain's ball, we threw zane's slipper into the pool.. haha.. after all of this, benjamin, zane and benz left... the rest of us continued playing the same games or watched tv... at around 7, we left the room to go eat dinner... the girls didn't have a really big appetite cause we ate half a burger and cup noodles after the swim.. after the barbeque, we went back to the room again to get our wallets cause we were going to Raiders again.. haha... we met yu yong at AMK MRT station cause he left earlier for i have no idea what thing.. haha.. but when the girls + me ,of course, tried to play "Left 4 Dead"again we couldn't cause we needed the password to login.. so troublesome again... so the girls just played audi in the end.. and i was there watching them play and listening to music.. haha... after that, we went back to the "hotel'... this time round at night, most of us went to sleep l8 cause it was the last night, and none of the boys made a lot of noise... so all of us obviously slept in peace.. haha.. not rest but slept...


The girls woke up l8r thn Saturday but got woken up by the boys again cause they were noisy again... haha.. after waking up, all of us went to play captain's ball in the pool again.. this time round for the second round yong's dad joined the opposing team.. an everybody started marking me cause i was supposed to throw the ball to yu yong who was damn hao lian! sit down there bai pose, then when i want to throw the ball to him he try to use one hand and failed to catch.. and that was the outcome for him for trying to be smart even though he really is.. haha.. after 2 rounds, everyone came out of the pool.. after bathing and stuff we packed up everything and got ready to leave... so sad.. 3 days passed by so quickly... after checking out, kenneth's dad brought all the girls back to xuan's place, cause A: i was suppose to wait there for my mother and B: i was suppose to fetch jia yi and hui ee home... when my parents came, all five of us, count for yourself, went for lunch together... after that, my parents fetched hui ee and jia yi home... when i got home, i changed my clothes, switched on the air con and slept straight away.. and that was at about 3 o'clock? all the way until 8'clock.. after that, i slept at 10+ and woke up at 12+ the next day.. and it was p.m.. not a.m... and now, my shoulders and face is damn red, cause i got sun burnt.. how nice.. and whenever i stretch my arms, it hurts terribly... omg!

anway, this post is freaking long, so i'm just gonna end it here.. bye!!

xoxo Andrea aka Andie xoxo

writtern @9:54 AM

Thursday, October 15, 2009

here's what I've been doing and most probably what I'll be doing...


That was the day of my final paper... Science... after that, a few of us happy happy go out together and play like siao... haha... who wouldn't be happy after PSLE?


Went out with my sister(not real sister, it is shu xuan...), to AMK Hub again.... but first we went to bishan... after that, then we went to play... at AMK Hub of course... we played the dancing game for 3 hours straight! super fun and happy!


The day i returned to school! it was super fun.. after recess, Mr Tan brought the whole class to play dodgeball... the game is super fun! can throw the ball at the person i dislike... which is... no one.. haha.. not that I'm saying i like everyone...


Played dodgeball again..super fun.. my team was the last one to play.. as the team we were vs-ing had only one person left, Mr Tan asked Tino to help that guy... and in the end, it was a death match between him and me... the first the time we threw the ball, we hit each other's.. second round, we dodged away from the ball.. cause we had to leave at that moment.. the "court"became way smaller.. i think i didn't hear the instructions cause when we took the first step, Tino shot me and I was out.. haha.. but still really enjoyed the game...

Friday, Saturday and maybe Sunday

Gonna party at someone's place! or not.. haha..

nothing to say already.. bye!

xoxo Andrea aka Andie xoxo

writtern @1:17 PM

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

yesterday, i went out with my sister, xuan, to AMK Hub to play.. before we went to AMK Hub, we went to Bishan as xuan wanted to buy a book from there... after that, we left for AMK Hub.. when we reached there, we went to Subway to eat lunch.. after that, we went to the arcade.... we played the car racing game, so called drums, another game which i have no idea what its called and the dancing game.. we played once for the first 3 games... after that, we played for 3 hours straight the dancing game... it was so fun... i finally got an "A" for a few songs... but xuan was better as she got a "S" for some of her songs.. and "S" stands for super or something like that.. haha... super fun... after that, went to walk around then go play at the arcade again...
it was super fun! so wanna play that game again.. haha.. gonna end my post here.. bye!

xoxo Andrea aka Andie xoxo

writtern @9:10 AM

ok... here's a more detailed write-up on the PSLE examinations... i think...
ok... i don't think i'm gonna really write a more detailed post... haix...
English compo: kind of difficult..
English Paper 2: manageable...

Mathematics: super duper difficult!!

Chinese compo: quite ok...
Chinese Paper 2: a bit difficult... but can still be considered manageable..

Science: a bit difficult.. especially the last question... heh..

for now, i feel so much relieved.. but when the day of the results come out, i think i'll be really nervous and scared...

well, that's all i've got to say i guess... bye!

this post is kind of like my previous one.. heh...

xoxo Andrea aka Andie xoxo

writtern @8:44 AM

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

gosh! this feeling is really great! are maybe feelingS... i feel free(freedom..), worried free(until the day of the results come out..) and super duper happy!!
yesterday, i went out with my sister(shu xuan(: ), jia yi, hui ee, ian, yong le, wesley, aravind and kenneth..
was super fun.. we went to Bugis Junction to eat and then after that we went to Iluma, which is the new shopping mall.. when we first stepped in, we thought the place was so nice.. but when we reached the arcade, we didn't really think so again.. we had to be 16 years and ABOVE to play the games there, and all the games were like all the games in other game arcades that we're allowed to play in.. we couldn't even play the kiddish games there! so a few of us, who are wesley, aravind, hui ee, jia yi, my sister and me went to walk around the area.. by the time we came back, it was about time for us to enter the theater... we went to watch I have no idea what cloudy meatball show.. it was such a waste of money! it was so boring... i think the theater was less than 1/8 full... towards the end, jia yi and I were kneeling on the floor and resting our heads on the front seat(don't worry.. no one was seating there...) to watch the show... after the movie, we went back to AMK Hub to play at the arcade... it was super fun! sister and I were playing that dance thingie man... it was super fun.. but i kept on getting F... haiz... but can't blame me also... i"m just a beginner... haha.. excuses... so instead on playing the "drums"all the girls were playing that dance thing... super duper fun! but after a while, at around 6 o'clock, hui ee, jia yi and I had to go home... so we left the guys there to continue playing..
i really really enjoyed myself that day.. we should have more of such outings with each other! haha... and today, i'll be going out with my sister! haha... so happy...
well, this is kind of a long post so i'm just gonna stop here... bye!!

xoxoAndrea aka Andiexoxo

writtern @8:42 AM

Monday, October 12, 2009

yay! PSLE is finally over! I'm so happy.. hahaha... but there's nothing to do now also... hmmm.. really feel like going out with friends everyday.. its so fun.. and anyway its the last year we get to spend time together with each other, right? lets see... this are my opinions on all the PSLE papers that I have taken..
English: Kind of ok...
Mathematucs: So freaking hard.. could have cried man.. (but didn't... haha)
Chinese: A bit difficult.. especially comprehension..
Science: A bit difficult...
Overall? almost all is hard!! omg.. wonder why there's so many tough questions..
nothing to say liao... i'll end my post here then.. bye!!

xxxAndrea aka Andiexxx
muackx! jkjk...

writtern @8:12 PM