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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tue 29.12.09


i went back to school for some alumni stuff... actually, to be exact, we only went back to school to make our alumni ex-co card... know how long we took? ard 4 hr... but we played also so it wasn't all tt boring... we played tap tap on erwin's sister's IPhone... was super fun sia... haha... lol.. we kinda wasted 1 hr cause we were supposed to wait for justino but in the end he said tt we should have looked for him earlier... after printing out the cards on paper, we had to go to the office to "dont know what it"... haha... its put the so called plastic thing onto the paper... i don't know how u spell it, so just gave it a name... haha... after doing tt thingie, we cut out the cards.. since sergul had 2 cards, we kinda crushed 1 of it... haha... after that, i walked home with Amaris..

Wed 30.12.09


I was called to go to Mayflower Sec Sch for an interview.. and when my brother's teacher called to tell my mum and me tt, we had just came home from fetching my dad to work.. so we had to rush cause we were suppose to be there by 1 p.m. but in the end, it turned out that there was no interview... i was only supposed to go to deyi sec sch to ask the principal to sign a form which was to say tt they have released me from their sch... haha... so after that, we had to go back to Mayflower Sec Sch to return the form.. after all of this, my mum, bro and i went to fetch my dad from work... after that, we went to queensway to get my sch shoes.. it took me quite a while just to find one pair of shoes... anyway, once i had bought the shoes, we went somewhere near our house to have dinner... after that, we homed...

Thursday 31.12.09

My dad had to work for half a day which really sucked... anyway, as always, my mum and i fetched my dad to work and my bro was sleeping away at home... (he's got such a good life... lol..) when we reached home, i had to tidy up the house along with my bro and mum of course... but first, i had to go through my books and put them in my cupboard... while i was packing my stuff, my mum asked my bro and i if we wanted to go and but Levi's Jeans since it was the last day, so we were like,"of course la"... haha... so we went to amk hub.. but first of all, we went to the cinema to get tickets for the show Sherlock Holmes.. there was a super long queue and I had to wait in line while my bro just slacked and my mum went to check the timings... but after a while, my mum came in line and asked my bro and me to go to Levi's first.. when we went there to check the Jeans and stuff, we knew we didn't need to buy it already... cause it was super ex!! even if we swapped 3 of our old jeans for 3 50 dollar voucher stuff it'd still be ex... after checking the stuff out and blah, we went to fetch our father from potong pasir MRT station... know where we went for lunch? we went back to amk central... lol.. after that, we went to look for my school shoes again cause i only had one pair... my first pair was totally white, but my second pair had a bit of green in it.. know what's the nice thing bout mayflower? you can wear any shoe you want as long as the base of it is white and as long as it is 70% white.. super nice sia... so after buying my shoes, we went home... after bathing, i went to use the com FOR A WHILE... after that had to off it cause our movie was at 6.15 p.m. so we went back to amk hub... the show Sherlock Holmes is really good!! it's really funny cause they turn each other's words... haha... and sherlock kept on testing his so called experiments on his friend's dog... lol... overall, the show was really great! after the movie, we went to eat dinner... after that, we went to NTUC to get some stuff and cake... lol... so we after getting all the stuff we needed, we went home... we were also watching the countdown show on channel 5... i was practically the only one in my neighbourhood to scream at 12 midnight sia... super not fun la... no one else scream... after that, i tried sending out sms but cannot cause the thing jam like siao so i spam send... spam send until the thing finally really send my sms then i happy... haha... once i finished sending the sms, i went to sleep... while i was sleeping my phone rang all of a sudden.. i kenna heartattack sia... suddenly got music... haha... i quickly put the phone on silent mode then go back to sleep...


Its New Year's Day!! well, i had to do a lot of cleaning up casue my relatives were coming to my house and they are here already... haha... anyway, after eating lunch, my mum, bro and i went to amk central cause my bro wanted to buy school shoes... after getting the school shoes, we had to walk home cause my dad went to fetch my grandma and godma using the car... was perspiring lile siao.. we went to 7-11 to buy ice and slurpy... super shiok sia the drink... from there, my father sent us home cause he saw us... and after that, there's nothing else that i'm doing... haix... and now, i gotta go out to socialise with ppl.. sad... still wanna use com but cant... anyway.. byebye..

-Andrea aka Andie<3

writtern @4:14 PM

Monday, December 28, 2009

hey hey!! i had a really good time party-ing with my relatives... the first of my relatives to come were my 2nd uncle's family!(: and my cousin, elysia, and i were messing ard with each other.. haha.. anyway, it was fun... few min. l8r, my youngest uncle came... a few min. l8r again, my baby cousin, kyan, came!! :0 he is really really cute.. he's 1+ yrs old but can talk quite a lot.. he is really cute!! as he had learnt to walk already, he was kinda wandering around my house... to be more specific, i guess you could say he was exploring my house... haha.. he kept walking around my dining area.. haha.. after that, elysia and i went into my brother's room to play Rummy-O.. its some kind of number game but its actually good for the brain cause you think quite a lot.. it might sound geeky but it really is fun! anyway, she won the first round and i won the seond.. when we started on the first round, my baby cousin came in.. haha... he walked over to where elysia was sitting and started messing around with her tiles... i asked her to let me hold him cause she needed to put her tiles properly, and in the end, my tiles got messed up too.. after a while, my baby cousin slept on my brother's bed cause he didn't sleep in the afternoon.. it was really fun watching him sleep.. he was hugging his christmas present, which was a soft toy from mini toys, and sucking his thumb... at first, elysia and i tried very hard not to make too much noise but in the end we kinda gave up.. but of course we didn't make a super lot of noise... it was only a bit louder.. so of course he didn't wake up... halfway through the game, my other baby cousin arrived! his name is jing lun (i'm not sure of the spelling..) but we call him lun lun.. he is also really really cute! haha... he was really fascinated by our christmas tree... he kept looking at it while eating... after eating, i borrowed my biao yi's IPhone, :0, to play Tap Tap!! i love the game.. i played with my brother for a while, but after a few rounds he didn't want to play anymore so i played the game by myself.. when i went into my brother's room, i played the game with elysia.. kyan was still sleeping at that time... and that was after dinner... after playing taptap, elysia and i continued playing Rummy-O... while we were playing, my biao yi came into the room and woke kyan up... he looked so cute when he just woke up... haha... a few min l8r, elysia and i came out to... exchange gifts!! :) i got a tasmanian devil cup in the end... haha... lun lun kept on touching a gift that was wrapped up in a pink and and shiny wrapper.. and the present was light and round so everyone thought it was nothing good.. but everyone was wrong, it was an adidas water bottle!! and i got it cause my mum got it at first but gave it to me!! so happy! :D we said that lun lun knew what was inside cause he kept on taking it after we put it back down onto the floor with the rest of the gifts.. er, some stuff here might not make sense so just try to understand... heh.. (: anyway, after that, it was about the end of the whole day.. but before the 2 babies left, they were drinking my mum's homemade barley water... they liked it so much that when one finished their own cup, they had to go to the other baby's cup to share.. both of them were seriously really cute!! i love them!! <3 :3 before leaving, kyan hugged ln lun and kissed him.. haha... all of us who saw that started laughing.. and that was the end of the day!! a really fun day! (:

so, i'm gonna end my post here... byebye!! btw, for those going to sec 1 next yr, good luck! (:

- Andrea aka Andie<3

writtern @9:56 PM

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

hey guys! havent been blogging for a while... considered quite busy this few days... haha.. the whole of last week ( 30/11/09 - 06/12/09 ) was filled with fun and laughter!! here are the things i did during that whole week...

30/11/09 - 01/12/09

i had a class chalet... my bro went along cause he is our techno senior... haha.. anyways, the group of us were l8 ( jia yi, hui ee, my bro and me! :D ) but luckily the bus hadn't left.. haha... anyway, we had a really fun time... when we reached aloha loyang bungalow 5, we HAD, meaning forced, to take a group photo... after that, almost everyone from my class, which is the techno juniors, went to the indoor playground... you know the one with a lot of those small balls which can really hurt you if somebody throws it at you? yea... those type of balls were around the whole playground... and the balls were comin'at me like crazy.. and yu xuan had to throw those balls at my face intentionally which made me real pissed off... anyway, after a while we went toplay at the arcade... after playing for a while, our lunch had arrived... haha... we were eating pizza.. super nice... after that, most of them went cycling... and as for lydia and myself, we went back to the arcade cause we didn't know how to cycle... dont make fun... heh... anyway, when the girls were resting, lydia and i took a bike from them... i was trying to teach lydia how to cycle... i was trying to help her balance the bike.. lol... but was kinda fun for that short period of time... after a while, the girls wanted the bike back... lol... so we went to see the boys play captain's ball... when they finished playing one whole round, lydia and i joined them.. but we had to be going against each other... luckily both of us had to stand on the chair only... haha... but after a while lydia left, and i became the only girl playing with the boys... after playing for that round, there were a few more girls around so we asked them to join us in another round... and i had to stand on the chair AGAIN... lol... but quite fun la... and while i was standing there, ian, ryan toh, ryan ng and wesley came to annoy me... ian had bought a water gun from the bike rental shop and filled it up with blackcurrent juice... i think you've already guessed what he had done... for those who don't, he obviously shot me with that juice... and he shot it all over... until my harm arms and i bet my legs, smelt of blackcurrent... i was freaking sticky... was super annoyed but couldn't get down... we played captain ball for quite a while... and while we were playing, and i was still standing on the chair, ryan toh aka fatty came along... he filled the water gun with pool water and started spraying it at me.. he even made sure that one side was fully wet before spraying the other side... by the time he was done doing that, i was shivering away... after a while, our seniors came back... and at almost the same time, a group of girls wanted to play with us... here's the thing.. we didn't know that those girls were from the school's netball team and that they were in sec3 this yr and in the end, we got thrashed... but!! at least we scored one goal.. heh... we asked our seniors to play against them and i think that it was a tie between the 2 teams... lol... after that, we went back and ate dinner i think... after dinner, the girls and my bro's classmates wanted to play ball again, so we let the seniors play... after a while they let us join them.. but my bro and i had to be the team captains' cause we were brother and sister... lol... and at a certain point of time, i got whacked by a ball in the face cause i wasn't paying attention... serves me right, i guess... but it really did hurt... after tt we went back again, to take another group picture and after tt, we went to pla again... my hands are so tired from typing... nvm.. anyways, we had to wait till the lights were out before we could play... first thing, zane scared me by so called whacking my shoulder and secondly, the boys kept on saying gui lai lio!! cause tts what hui ee and i said during the day... we were repeating parts of the lines from the left 4 dead vid clip on youtube... haha... after that, we went back and didn't come out to play anymore.. haha... instead, we all tryed to stay up.. the girls were all in the room listening to music and stuff... but after a while, i went out... was watching tv in the end... but was really tired... after a while, kimberly and jia yi came out... when 3 of us were sitting on the floor and the other 2 were talking to each other, i practically slept on the floor... haha... but kim and jia yi woke me up and askied me to sleep in the room.. tt was about 3++ near to 4 a.m. i think... i was the second one to knock out... xuan was the first... lol... the aircon was real strong and i was shivering inside the room man... the next day, the girls were the last one to wake up.. cause the boys didn't wake us up... lol... anyway, when we came out of the room, the girls from my class were practically stoning away... was still super sleepy... lol... when i reached home, i went to my room and slept like a log till 4-5++... was super tired... haha...

i think i'll end my post here first... i'l post another time when my hands are'n't aching..


-Andrea aka Andie<3

writtern @9:08 PM