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Friday, January 15, 2010

hey hey!! now, i'm gonna write what i did for the past few days.. as per usual.. hmm.. okay..

Tuesday 12/01/10
had sailing training on that day.. the selected but not confirmedsec ones' came along.. they were the first group by the way... yeah, so jolyn and i sailed together while the seniors took the sec ones'.. haha.. kimberly went with jack and all the sec ones' were wearing their p.e. attire... before we launched, kimberly was like talking about dunno what her shirt becoming translucent then can see the na ge... haha.. thn jack started saying there were 2 types of men in the world.. the perverts' and the super perverts'.. haha... we like started saying "ee.." and stuff.. lol... after a while we could launch.. joshua helped us to launch also.. dunno why he came back to shore so early, but after a while he launched out again... he kinda helped us push the pico out cause jolyn and i weren't that strong.. haha... anyway, jolyn sailed first and we just kept on taking turns there.. and i got whacked by the boom.. a few times... haha!! but most of the time jolyn was sailing cause the sail kept on coming to my side... lol.. when we suppose to head back, we had problems cause we were quite close to the rocks area... in the end, our instructor, nic, had to tow us back... haha... after so long sia.. he keep on saying let us sail back ourselves... lol... after that, we had to wait for the seniors to wash the boats and stuff before going to bathe... after that, we went back to school... we had to do a bit of p.t. in school before really going home.. after doing so, we homed.. obvious right?

Wednesday 13/01/10

had p.t. on this day and on every wednesday that is.. we started doing stretches first.. after that, we ran up and down the school building twice, rested for a while, did push ups and crunches (i dont really know how to spell the word if its wrong.. ) and then ran again.. we did this over again for another 2 times.. after that, we had to break into 2 groups... first group had to do speed round meaning they had to run up and down the school building while someone timed them.. while they were running, my group had to do hiking out.. means sitting on the bench and putting our legs under the wooden part and sticking our butt out without holding onto anything.. but i guess most of us cheated cause we were holding onto the bench.. haha... when the first group came back, our group had to run and theirs had to do what we did... i ran in 4 min++... which to my brother is kinda slow cause he ran in a faster time and said that it was slow... sad.. after that, we could go home and we did...

Thursday 14/01/10

jolyn could not go sailing cause her back was hurting but luckily i had made a friend who is a girl and was supposed to go for the selection stuff.. so we reached there, did the stuff that we needed to do and yeah.. but a few of the seniors and i launched off l8r cause we had to help the ppl who came l8r set up the boat... the wind that day was super strong and everything bad that could happen, happened on that day.. the sail was detached from the boom, the kicker could not be tightened and stuff... so the instructor had to help us redo everything while we held onto the power boat or speed boat or whatever... after that, we started sailing again... a few minutes l8r, our boat turned 180 degrees... meaning that our boat was totally upside down... and my senior had a hard time uprighting the boat so she helped me stand properly on top of the boat and we pulled it down together.. and it was a success!! lol... it was kinda tiring and scary at the same time cause the waves were coming at us real hard... after that, we continued sailing and went back to shore a few minutes l8r..i think... oh yeah, the second group of selected ppl were there.. they weren't of any help sia... they come back walk here walk there, do a bit of work then go bathe... and that is like super early sia... they were supposed to wait for the whole team sia.. in the end they go bathe first... anyway, there were 2 buses to fetch the whole group to school.. upper sec one bus lower sec one bus... we were overtaking each other over and over again.. lol... but the upper sec reached first.. sad... anyway, we had to do p.t. once we reached school... we had to keep on recounting for the push ups cause the selected sec ones' weren't counting at all.. and that is exactly why i say they were of no help... we had to recount for a long while before being able to start on 2,3,4 and so on... by the time we were done doing those stuff, my arms were aching sia.. but after a while it was better.. the selected sec ones' went home first but the sailing team had to stay back for a while longer... the lower sec had to do extra push ups as punishment cause of something that happened.. i'm not gonna say what... we had to do an extra 30 i think... after that i was real tired... went home, ate and started doing my homework.... i thought i'd be too tired to do it but i was awake and able to do my studies.. it was like a "miracle"!! haha.. anyway. after doing my homework, i went to sleep...

Friday 15/01/10

and that day is today..lessons carried on as usual and blah... i stayed back in school for a while to play and blah... i was supposed to go for bball tryouts with kimberly but it was so l8 that my mum came to fetch me.. meaning, the only reason i stayed in school was because my mum went out with my granddad and she came back after fetching him somewhere... quite a lot of things happened today so i wont really type it out here cause my hands and fingers are tired already... so if u wanna know what happened, just ask me... sorry.. ):

i gtg already so i'll end my post here.. byebye!!(:

-Andrea aka Andie or AJsquared.... lol...

writtern @9:00 PM

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

on my first day of school, which is yesterday, i saw 2 other andersonians in my class.. they are alena and tricia from 6.9 and 6.5 respectively... at first, i didnt really talk to them, but now quite ok.. my other friends are kimberly(not 6.7 09), nicole plus a few other girls... and plus the andersonians of course... wanna know what's the unbelievable thing? wei hong and jia lerk are in the same school as me!! total WTH man!! i even found out from ryan toh that he appealed to my school and it was a success! at first i thought it was a joke so i was like whatever... but in the end, he is really in my school... lol... anyway, yesterday i had to go for sailing trials even though i'm in already... there were 2 tests.. one was the agility test whereby you had to run through a course and the other was the mirror test.. for the mirror test u were supposed to do exactly what the person in a video does... its not like jumping here and there and blah... its like running from one cone to the other.. anyway, i totally cant believe my timing for agility test!! haha.. (: the first time i did it was last year when i followed my brother to do his physical training... my timing at that time was 19.++s... i forgot the timing... but this time round during the real trial, my timing was 15.03s!! i was like super happy and shocked man!! haha... anyway, for the mirror's test, it was kinda confusing... i kept on getting confused sia... haix... after those 2 tests i was supposed to wait for my brother cause he was there also and i thought we could go back straight after packing up... but i found out that he had a meeting... so after i was done with everything, i went to find my brother... if i was supposed to wait for a while i'd be fine with it.. but in the end, he said that the meeting or whatever would take up till one hour.. so he asked me to go home first and i did as he said... the next day which is today, lessons were still the same and stuff... i had to stay back cause i needed to do physical training together with my brother and the sailing team.. wa lao, we were supposed to run in 3 groups but the person in charge today gave way to me cause i still not used to it and stuff.. oh yea.. forgot to say what we did... we had to run.. 6 rounds around the school... outside.. and that distance was like 4.8 km... after 2 rounds i was having "difficulty" breathing so i had to stop... sad... anyway, the 3 groups were supposed to run together... by together, i mean together as a group and not a team... but they told my brother to take it easy because of me... so good right? of course la... i noob leh.. haha.. after they were done running 6 rounds, they came back and took a break for a while... after that, we were supposed to do pumping... group 1 and 2 was supposed to do 30 push ups, but my team, which was group 3, was supposed to do 50 push ups... i wont tell u the reason... haha... anyway, we were supposed to do push ups with a cup... meaning when we did our push ups, our chin and chest had to touch the cup... the worst part of it all was that we couldn't bend the cup... if someone bent it, they were supposed to do 5 more push ups... anyway, after group 1 and 2 were done, my group still had to do another 20... they were doing it so fast that i didn't do the full push up sia... haha.. after that, they had a meeting in one of the spare rooms(i think..) and i had exactly no idea what they were talking about other then the fact that they were talking bout sailing stuff.. obviously right? after that, we could go home... when we reached home, i watched tv for a while, while eating, and after that went to bathe.. haha... and now im blogging!! lol.. that sounds stupid... anyway im gonna ed the post here..
btw, if there are sentences that dont link to the other, dont bother to figure it out... i kinda confused myself while typing... its stupid and i know it, but yea... just dont figure it out...

-Andrea aka Andie<3

writtern @8:59 PM

Friday, January 1, 2010

happy new year everyone!!! its the year 2010!! get up and celebrate guys!! whoo!! ('@') ('-') (",)

writtern @12:09 AM