I Love You♥♥

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Friday, April 30, 2010

omg.. today gladys celebrated her birthday and there was cake... i guess u know what i'm gonna say already right? she came to me, with cream on her hands, with the intention of putting it on my face.. i was holding onto both of her hands (you would thk tt she wont be able to put it on my face..), but yu han helped her... she dropped a small piece of cake onto my skirt, and when i took the cake off my skirt, there was cream on my face already... since dawn had brought a piece of the cake and my friends were all around, we started putting cream on each others' face.. i put cream on kimberly, glen and chester's face successfully... it took me a real long time to put the cream into melvin's face.. when i took a bit of the cream and he saw tt i intended to put it on his face, he squatted down and covered his face... he was moving kinda a lot so there was a bit of cream on the back of his head... haha.. when he finally stood up, i got the chance to put the cream on his face! haha.. and just at that moment, someone ran pass me with cream on their hands, and instead of putting it on my face, it was on my fringe... it was really disgusting.. i had to wash my face and hair at the sink... my hair was like really oily and smooth which really made me feel really disgusted... but, who cares? i had fun playing with the cake anyways... while we were walking back to class after recess, we were talking about putting cream on each others' face the next time there was a birthday... haha... i seriously am clumsy man... melvin hit me before entering his classroom... so i walked quickly into his classroom and whacked him back... after whacking him, i almost fell... one leg was on the floor while the other was bent... haha... tts what i call a "half-fall" ... haha... after that, i went back to class and lessons resumed as per normal...

i'm gonna end the post here... byebye(:

-Andrea aka Andie<3

writtern @8:09 PM

Friday, April 2, 2010

hey hey! sorry for not blogging for a while... i had camp last week.. Teehee!:D

Wednesday 24/03/10

First day of camp. we got to know our instructors, played a few bonding games in the classroom, and attended a few talks... there was a talk on study skills and how to remember things or something like that... it lasted for about an hour but it didn't really feel like an hour to me since i was talking to my classmates while doing the stuff needed to be done... then there was a grooming talk... this talk lasted a longer time.. it was like maybe 2 hours... the grooming talk was held in the theatrette (i dont know how to spell the word.. hehe..) ... since the theatrette wasn't big enough, only three classes attended the talk together.. that was my class, jolyn's class and zhen yuan's class... jolyn's class sat in front while my class sat behind theirs... and since there were 4 more seats in front together with jolyn's class and cause kimberly couldn't see if she sat too far behind, we sat together with jolyn's class... there were some good tips to take from the talk but at times it was a bit boring.. no offense meant to be caused.. the lady who was doing the talk asked for two volunteers to go up to the front... and the people from jolyn's class started calling my name and the people from my class started to call kimberly's name.. since our class pupils said kimberly's name louder, she had to go up on stage... and it was really "nice" of kimberly to do this... she asked to lady to call for my name!! so i tio sabo from her... haix.. and do you know what we were supposed to do? we were supposed to show the lady how to sit properly... kimberly and i had no idea how to do that... so we just sat down normally... only that i purposely crossed my legs... hehe.. then the lady said that the way we sat was wrong... she showed us and the other pupils how to sit properly... then we were supposed to show her how to sit properly again... it was really uncomfortable cause we weren't used to it.. when kimberly and i returned to our seats, we sat as per usual cause the other way to sit was just too uncomfortable... when we returned to our seats, the lady asked for 2 other girls to go in front... kimberly and i sabo-ed jolyn and dawn... but jolyn was the only one who went up along with another girl... dawn didn't go in front... sad... we wanted all the sailing girls to go in front... jolyn started dancing behind when people weren't paying attention... haha... after the talk, we had a mass dance... a guy came to teach us how to dance... it was really fun... to me i mean... the song we danced to was "Do You Remember?".. some parts of the dance were complicating but overall, it was fun... at one point of time, one of the classes (it was the same 3 classes btw... mine, jolyn and zhen yuan's class...) had to dance first... and the teacher chose the class that shouted the softest... our class was almost asked to dance... the teacher suddenly asked for 4 people from each class to go on stage to dance if we didn't want our class to dance first... everyone started asking me to go... so i looked at kimberly and i guess she was thinking what i was thinking cause both of us got up at the same time and ran up on stage... nicole and chin kiat came along with us.. i forgot who came from jolyn's class, but zhen yuan's class was supposed to dance first... and the people on stage were supposed to dance also... haha... we all ps like siao sia... oh yeah, i was filmed by Mr. Deng while dancing... super unlucky... at night, after dinner, we had a night walk.. we were supposed to blindfold ourselves and hold onto the shoulder of the person in front of us... i had to hold onto malcolm's shoulder.. and he kept on moving his shoulders and said oops, sorry... irritating and funny at the same time... haha... while we were walking, i almost fell down cause i didn't know that there was a step in front of me and i scratched myself against the rough surface... now i have more than 10 scratch lines on my leg.. but i dont really bother about it... haha... after the night walk, we went to the hall... we sang in the hall for a while before going to sleep...

Thursday 25/03/10

we had an urban race in the morning... it was really fun but we had to keep on stopping cause our class weren't in twos at all times... it lasted for quite a while since we had to walk to bishan park, then AMK Hub, then back to school for lunch... after lunch and stuff, the whole level gathered in the hall for an activity... we were supposed to make 2 class flags... and some other stuff... kimberly and i were really tired by that time so we didn't do the class flag... but we did make the other stuff needed.. so we did play a part in everything... Teehee!:D when time was up, we were supposed to bring our class flags to the front of the class... 2 representatives from each class were supposed to go up on stage to explain why we made the class flags the way it was... so we chose kimberly and chin kiat to go up on stage... we cheered and screamed like mad when they were called up.. after all this, we found out that we were supposed to make a hole in the flags using water bombs... luckily ours wasn't really big and thick... so it was kinda ok for us to make a hole.. the only problem was our aiming... haha... after all this, it was time for our campfire!!:D
campfire really rocked! it was super fun... we were screaming, cheering and shouting like mad when our class was called to go into the hall... the only thing that wasn't good about the campfire was that there wasn't a real fire!! but it didn't really matter cause i really enjoyed myself... there was a lot of cheering and screaming... :D our class skit was really funny cause we were kinda making fun of our math teacher... haha... and he was there watching it... we were all laughing like mad while acting cause victor, who was acting as our math teacher, had pulled his pants real high and started talking like he had failed english... not that i'm saying our math teacher's english sucks... its perfectly fine... but the way victor acted was real funny... haha... at one point of time, one class representative was supposed to go in front to dance... but at that time, they didn't know what they were supposed to do.. so when they found out that they were supposed to dance, their expression was like "oh man!"... surprisingly, ryan toh won the whole competition... oh yeah, the reward was 1000 points... everyone wanted the points real badly... sadly, we didn't earn the 1000 points.. but who cares about the points as long as we had fun? oh yeah, whenever there was music being played, kimberly and i would be singing and dancing away... haha... we were like super high during the campfire.... after the whole campfire ended, the person in charge or something like that asked everyone to gather, put our arms over each others shoulders and sway from side to side while we sang songs.. when we were told to go find our parents, most of the people in my class just came together and started singing cause the song being played was Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.. haha... after all this, we had a debrief then we could go to sleep... but the time we were supposed to switch off the lights was 11.45p.m. and since there was sometime left, kimberly and i just hung around outside while waiting for our sleeping time to come... once i lay down onto my sleeping bag, i slept.. it was a really tiring day...

Friday 26/03/10

Last day of camp.): we got up in the morning, ate our breakfast, assembled in the hall, then did area cleaning... after doing the area cleaning, we came back to the hall... while we were waiting for the other classes to come back, kimberly and i were talking to each other.. all of a sudden, the girls in front called my name then said, "give her one andrea clap!"... they clapped then started touching their hair... which means to say that i always play with my hair.. which i don't.. right? anyways, when all the classes were in the hall, Mr. James Tan showed us 2 clips... one was a slide show with all our pictures, another was a video clip... the pictures taken of kimberly were kinda unglam cause i have no idea why but she would always be rubbing her nose when someone took a snapshot of her... haha... it was super unglam and funny... for me, all the pictures were like the same... i was just smiling away... Teehee!:D but the video was real embarrassing for me... Mr. Deng uploaded the clip where i was dancing! i was like covering my eyes while it was being showed... after that, they announced the best individual of each class and the best class... when they were done with all this, we were released... i went to macdonalds with jolyn, dawn, ming wei, suhaiba and another girl... melvin, wei hong, jia lerk, bohari and another guy were sitting outside... before the boys left, all of them came inside... when they boys came in, dawn and jolyn had gone into the toilet so i was left with suhaiba and the other boys... they were playing and calling me names over there... haha... when jolyn and dawn came back, the boys left... after we were done eating, we went to the playground which was around the corner to play for a while... after that, i went home...

I'm gonna end my post here.. so byebye!:D Teehee!:D

-Andrea aka Andie <3

writtern @5:37 PM