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Thursday, May 13, 2010

hey hey! sorry for not blogging recently.. i've been kinda busy with exams and stuff... anyways, exams for me were kinda ok.. still have one more exam tmr... math paper 1... hope its gonna be easy(: good luck to all who are still having exams(:

today, i went to amk area with valerie, sabrina, natasya, gina and shu ling... we first went to AMK hub... it was like so empty and deserted... the best thing was that we went to sit on one of those rides little kids went on.. super funny... after that, we went to walk for a really short time... we went to Mac for breakfast.. i didn't eat anything.. i just drank ice milo... haha... so we were kinda playing over there too.. taking a lot of shots.. after breakfast, we walked to the playground... when we were "slacking" under the shelter nearby, i saw yong le.. i called him and said " Yooooooooo!" his expression was like "WTF?!" so i said look to your left.. it was like total pwnage.. haha.. LMAO-ed there man.. we went to the playground after that.. i was sitting on the swing and was going really high... haha.. when i was sitting on the swing, i noticed a figure like staring at me.. after looking at that figure real closely, i was like so happy and shocked! it was hui ee! it was really good to meet her after such a long time man... we intended to ask jia yi to come also after that but her phone had no money... after that, we all played together.. yu han, hong qing and zhen xian (or something like that) were there also... i felt really dizzy after playing for a long time... i was like walking sideways... i went to sit down and talked to hui ee.. we went to Mac again not long after that.. we went there to buy drinks and chill... i was walking between 2 tables.. hui ee's one and my class's one.. haha... after that, we went back to the playground... oh yeah, zhen xian was like trying to teach me how to make those heart shaped thingies with the straws but it was a total failure for me cause i completely forgot how to make it the next minute.. so yeah, we went back to the playground to play for a while more.. i went home with hui ee at like 12.30.. we walked back home so there was more time for us to catch up on what was going on for us.. we went to the bubble tea shop first before going home... it was really good to see her after like such a long time.. really missed her... hope to see her and my other 2 sisters next time(:

i'll just end my post here:D byebye(:

-Andrea aka Andie(:

writtern @2:22 PM